Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Reflections: The Promotion

“Happy End of 2013!!” so screams the entire world today.  I am writing this as I prepare to present a short work that is uplifting and inspiring for a new generation. The fact that I was even asked to present is humbling – I do quite a few presentations, but I never see myself as someone who would be called to perform in opening for others. Interestingly enough, I had an immediate bout of Writer’s Block.  I never understand this idea, that why, when at the moment where I can show how the skills and talents have been developed, I crack.  Maybe it is performance anxiety, a nervousness that I will not live up to the expectations of other.  Or maybe it is the fact that at this moment it time other people’s emotions are involved and you can easily become swayed either way in the struggle.   It is a mystery because I find myself increasingly downplaying new elevations in my life as if they don’t shine for all to see, without even the reshaping of my lips..

 In preparation for completing a level, we are often taught to celebrate the accomplishment with either a momento or a ceremony. We remember the work we did to reach the goal, long hours invested into a single thought or idea to ensure the best work could be done. Over that time, we find ways to strategically simplify and work smarter, innovating the process to be more refined and distinguished.  A promotion is validation that the foundation has been well laid.  Not everyone is able to make it to the next level, so we must also be humbled by it. In the very same nature, we must reminder ourselves of the skills we do have and continue to use them in

As I sit here reflecting on the work I must do, the unfinished plans and even the wonders of what is next, I am reminded that all of this is just the beginning.  God, in Genesis 1:31 takes some time after working for constant 6 days to think back about these accomplishments; “God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.”  But God also knew that it was just the first step in the story, the newest plan, the missing link in the life that had already been there.  God understood that the promotion meant taking on a new role and adjusting from the Creator to Overseer of the world whose very core he build from nothing.

With this year swiftly coming to a close, after surveying all that was lost and gain, I recognize my eligibility for a promotion.  When the official word of 2014 is on the horizon with the only thing stopping me a performance to finish, I’ll remember every time I’ve directed, acted, written or performed in my entire lifetime. I’ll think of the new experiences 2013 brought and the seeds planted poise to bloom as early as January. I will bask in the honor of being among the chosen, in how I am not even deserving of the space and time, and proceed with care, caution, tenacity and excitement on the way to the next level. This year, like this level in our lives, has made it complete revolution and it is time we recognized just how important that is. 

Consider creating a 2013 report card: 13 accomplishments of the year.  Be sure to list different categories such as family, school, work and reflect on something you did right in that area. When 2014 reaches its low or mediocre moments, refer back to your previous year report card as a reminder of what you can achieve.  

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