Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Poem: Transfigure Me

I am weary
I am tired
I am overworn with images of my spilled substance
Troubled by visions of a path called righteous
But painful in its delivery
My body broken worse than stallions in a livery.
You mean to tell me this is the only way I can display my wife chivalry?
My hands and feet nailed the solitary option for opening Heavens' doors?
My side pierced the absolute answer to calming wars?
The thorn crown the testament of false judgment passed,
 a full mockery of everything we built to last?
Why must I be the martyr?
My mother the one to clean up the blood spilled at my slaughter?
I'm not interested in excuses or litanies of my uses.
This Trinity is feeling more and more obtuse
in its balance
Should be more regular, a perfectly hung valance.
So I come in the wake of words verbalized
Knowing this calling but wondering if it is the right size
Not quite so sure the shoes and gloves fit
So can they acquit me on grounds of defense?

No answer in my normal prayers
That is why I'm here, having climbed stone stairs
To the highest peak in Ceasara Philippi future Lebanon, strenuous
work for my three brothers,
Who can not fathom the full knowledge in plain sight but undercover.
I'm kneeling demanding a response
Like the ones given before this earthly body smothered
My direct line.
I demand the right to see ancestors not given to any simple beings
It is time - I want a conference
To guide my pending exodus.
Make my countenance a brilliant, dazzling light,
purer than the freshly fallen snow so white.
Wider than the biggest moon lit so bright
My clothes even reflect the change.
In the company of the Law and the Prophet we discuss exit strategies
In the spirit realm.
Translate Me
Grant me access to the resources
Transform Me
Mold this clay from the Rabbi
into the second coming of Adam warrior
Responsible for conquering Death and any minion that wishes harm
Our children.
Transpose Me.
That my presence, long after this body is gone, might stay
Restore me to my former glory, I pray.
Transfigure me

Amina S. McIntyre
copyright (c) 2013

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