Tuesday, April 2, 2013

It All Starts With the Smallest of the Small.

My apologies...no recording for today...I have a bad cold. Should be up and running again on Thursday.

This month, the time immediately following the Resurrection, we’ll declare it the Butterfly season.  Why Butterflies?  First, they are symbols of tremendous change in a short time frame.  A butterfly’s life spans the course of about a month, which means there’s little time to be idle.  There is of course also the “butterfly effect” where it’s believed if one flaps it’s wing, a hurricane could be created.  Let us be inspired to live a new life this month, during the Butterfly Season.

“We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?” ~ Marianne Williamson

A butterfly lays an egg on a leaf.  This simple action does not seem to be anything particularly fantastic, but it is an action none the less. The egg rests there, stuck until the conditions are just right.  This tiny egg will soon produce something great that will bring its own unique joy to its surrounding.   But what if the butterfly didn’t think so highly of such a tiny thing?  What if it was laid in the water, where it could be swept way with the current?  Or on the soil for the seed to be crushed by any creature that comes its way? Or even still on a stick or a piece of wood where the wind could blow it off?  It’s the smallest considerations that make the difference.

How often do we not think of taking care of something so small?  Did we carelessly toss our keys to the wind when we came in the door, out of sight and mind until it was time to move our cars again?  And what havoc missing keys can wreck on a schedule!  Or what about that tooth we noticed needed some attention, but put off getting fixed until it became a big tooth ache?  Now instead of a filling, the tooth must be extracted.  Maybe it is the idea we gave to the wrong person, believe they would take as much care with it as we would.  We so often places our eggs in places where they could not possibly survive.  It’s the smallest considerations that make the difference.

One man’s presence may not seem to have much of an impact, at least not at the time, but there are billions of people across the world who now follow him.  More than what Jesus symbolically meant for so many, the legacy of giving is what he probably wanted us to remember above anything else.  Instead of splitting hairs of what is to be done right in his name, perhaps we should worry more about those who would benefit by us living to help those not often thought of.  Matthew 25: 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’” His life and death was just a tiny seed, placed in a safe environment so that it could be nurtured and eventually grow into a movement.   Listening, paying attention to and treating well “the least of these” is what makes a difference in this life.

Consider planting something small egg in a safe place, either an idea in a journal, $5 dollars in a saving account or a bus card for someone in need of transportation to a job interview.  As we go through this month, watch how this seed can blossom into something greater.

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