Friday, December 13, 2013

...and Let it Begin with Me

“You have peace," the old woman said, "when you make it with yourself.”
~ Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet in Heaven

Have you ever seen someone who just could not keep their focus?  Every five minutes they move on to another subject, constantly thinking of the next item on the agenda. This could be a little frustrating to those surrounding them, anxious for them to sit down and complete something.  But how can they if their minds are fragmented, divided, and overwhelmed by the many details, and lack the attention to proceed.  

But what if it is us?   The discord in our minds so distracting that we are not sure if we can finish. How can we even move forward in any conceivable way when are struggling to make sense of the space we are in?  How can we continue our journey when the direction is unclear? We do so by returning to the peace within ourselves.

During the Advent season, we celebrate observing Peace on Earth, but we have to know how to achieve it.  We obtain it spiritually by taking time out to pray and listen for God’s response.  We obtain it mentally when we organize our priorities and work, little by little, to make them settle.  We obtain peace emotionally when we consider our feelings an investment and only use that sentimental currency for those things that will bring a positive profit in your life.

In Ephesians 4:3, Paul writes that we should be “Eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”  We can only be on one accord once we have found what, within ourselves, brings us peace and work toward maintaining it at every turn.  This peace will encourage us to fellowship as persons actively seeking to be whole in Christ.

Consider letting the peace from within grow, grow and grow until it spill over into unifying fellowship with all we meet, see, hear and touch.

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